Month Wise Pregnancy Development / Month-wise Baby Development Cycle

Month Wise Pregnancy Development / Month-wise Baby Development Cycle

Pregnancy lasts for approximately 40 weeks or 9 months. Here are the main milestones that happen during this time:

Β Month 1: Conception occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg and the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. At this point, the baby is a tiny ball of cells called a zygote.

Month 2: The baby's major organs, such as the heart, brain, and lungs, begin to form. At the end of the second month, the baby is considered an embryo.

Month 3: The baby is now considered a fetus and is about the size of a grape. The arms, legs, fingers, and toes start to develop, and the baby's heartbeat can be heard on an ultrasound.

Month 4: The baby's sex organs start to develop, and the baby begins to move around. The mother may start to feel these movements.

Β Month 5: The baby's skin becomes covered in a waxy substance called vernix, and fine hair called lanugo starts to grow. The mother may start to experience Braxton Hicks contractions, which are practice contractions that help prepare the uterus for labor.

Month 6: The baby's eyes start to open, and the baby can now hear sounds from outside the womb. The baby is now about the size of a large mango.

Month 7: The baby's lungs continue to mature, and the baby's brain is developing rapidly. The baby is now about the size of a head of lettuce.

Month 8: The baby is now about the size of a watermelon and is gaining weight rapidly. The baby's position in the uterus may change to prepare for delivery.

Month 9: The baby is considered full-term and is ready for delivery. The mother may experience labor contractions, and the baby will be delivered either vaginally or via cesarean section. After delivery, the mother will begin her postpartum recovery, and the baby will enter the neonatal period.

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